Thursday, January 10, 2013

Murphy's Law

I wanted to get a post done before Stitchin on the Lake had the Let's go Visiting! Guess what? The dang thing would not load. I lost my post! So of course, here I am a day late trying it again and we will see what happens. I do hope people come back!

Anyway my post was many questions. I want to get opinions. Now where is that list of questions????

I wonder how many people starch their fabric as they sew their blocks?
 I just started doing this and I am really liking the results. I press and starch before cutting and then when my block is finished, before squaring it up, I press and starch it again.

Do you stitch your blocks together as you finish them or lay them out when they are all finished and then sew them together?
I wait till all the blocks are done, lay them out, and then stitch them together.

Do you label all your quilts?
I really need to do this. I have on a few but not all of them.

Do you take pictures of your quilts when they are finished?
I take a picture and have intentions of putting them into an album.  So far I haven't. I do take notes of the fabric I use and dates I made them and plan to add that to the picture in the album, when I get the album going! LOL!

What is your favorite thread for piecing?
I usually use thread from Connecting Threads.

Do you quilt your own quilts?

Do you quilt on your sewing machine or do you have a long arm?
I quilt on both. I do have a longarm and I am learning just what I can do. It is a big learning curve.

Are you primary colors or pastel?
I love both but I have noticed I use mostly primary colors. I need to make something using pastels.

I hope you will comment on my questions.

We are traveling and I am on a limited gigabyte, so I can't post many pictures.
