Tuesday, March 24, 2020


Hubby had his bone scan and his pelvic scan done. On the day of the bone scan it went fast. He only had to walk a short distance from the waiting room. He can't walk any distance so that was good. The next day he had his CT Scan. The lady brought a wheel chair for him to take him back. He went back to a prep room and drank the "kool-aid" and got his IV put in. After an hour a young man took him back for the scan. After it was done the young man walked him back. It was a long way to walk and by the time he got back to the waiting room he was having a hard time walking and was out of breath. Mel said he needed the wheel chair but they didn't know where it went. We sat in waiting room for about 15 minutes before he felt strong enough to leave. As we got up to leave a man brought a lady to the area on a electric golf cart. He asked if he needed a ride and Mel said 'Please". He took him to the door and then we only had to walk about 20 feet to the car. When we got home he was wore out. When he went in for the CT Scan he asked about a scratch test and they said he would be alright. He never had one before and was concerned about the contrast. Well, guess who had a reaction to the contrast? He did. Big time. He had hives all over his torso neck scalp, arms and some on his butt. We went the walk in clinic.  He was put on Prednisone. He can't take Benadryl   because of his prostrate. It took awhile but it clear up. He was miserably. He couldn't sleep cause he itched so bad.
The following Monday he had an appointment with his DR, They called early in the morning to say his appointment would be canceled and the DR would be doing a phone appointment instead. Any patient over 70 are getting phone appt's. due to the virus. Dr called and his scans were clear! Yeah! That was great news. He will see the DR next week for hormone injection. Then 2 weeks later we will go the Cancer Center to see cancer radiologist. We are told it would be 7-8 weeks M-F of radiology treatment. 40 treatments!! As this virus gets worse around the country we will see how his treatments play out. Hopefully everything can go on schedule.

I hope everyone is staying safe and well. We are going through some scary times. Unless we have an appt we stay home. We have some good people that bring us what we need. I did have to go out to pick up Rx's for Mel and I did stop and get a few things at the grocery store. Our son works as an IT tech and travels all over the state. The company he works for will keep the techs on the road as they can. Our son got an email from the company CEO telling the techs that while they are out they should be selling products because "PROFIT" is important. Not the employees health, PROFIT!!!!  This week so far he hasn't had any work because most companies are canceling service due to the virus. I am glad to hear that. He can't come by us since he has been on the road and doesn't know if he is infected. We pray he is not.

Stay well and pray for America and the whole world!

Friday, March 6, 2020

The dreaded call

The Doctor called to let us know it is cancer and unfortunately it is the more aggressive one. Mel with have a bone scan and a pelvic ct scan next week. After that we will see the  DR and discuss radiation treatments and hormonal treatments.  It is an unsettling feeling we are going through, but we will get through this.
I will use this as a place to journal.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Pot Holes

After hubby guy had his mini stroke and then the surgery we went through many changes. Personality changes, depression, anxiety and panic attacks. It was not a fun time. Finally things smoothed out like a fresh paved road. Everything was going so well. Well, until his last blood test. His PSA was up to 28.6.  Normal is 0-4.75. Three days later we were seeing a urologist and scheduling a prostrate biopsy. He had his biopsy on Monday and now we wait for results. If it indicates cancer then they do further testing to see what cancer it is. It could be one of two types. One is a slow growing cancer that they do not do anything with it. Only because it is so slow growing the person will out live it. The second one is a fast growing cancer and will require medical attention. Although the DR did not state what the treatment was.

There were other concerns with his blood work this time but that is the one we are going to focus on for now. He is having panic attacks again and depression. Rough road with lots of pot holes right now.

On a good note. I had my one year recheck after my surgery last year and all is well. What a relief that was to hear. I will have rechecks now every 3 years unless something shows up again.
I was talking to my friend in CA. last night. I had shown her quilting and helped her get started when we were all RVing out in AZ.She told me everyday when see is sewing a quilt she thinks of me. How sweet. Actually, I realized that I think about the person who taught me most every time I sew also.

I post so little here that I thought since no one probably reads this anymore I could put some thoughts down to help me deal with "Pot Holes"