After hubby guy had his mini stroke and then the surgery we went through many changes. Personality changes, depression, anxiety and panic attacks. It was not a fun time. Finally things smoothed out like a fresh paved road. Everything was going so well. Well, until his last blood test. His PSA was up to 28.6. Normal is 0-4.75. Three days later we were seeing a urologist and scheduling a prostrate biopsy. He had his biopsy on Monday and now we wait for results. If it indicates cancer then they do further testing to see what cancer it is. It could be one of two types. One is a slow growing cancer that they do not do anything with it. Only because it is so slow growing the person will out live it. The second one is a fast growing cancer and will require medical attention. Although the DR did not state what the treatment was.
There were other concerns with his blood work this time but that is the one we are going to focus on for now. He is having panic attacks again and depression. Rough road with lots of pot holes right now.
On a good note. I had my one year recheck after my surgery last year and all is well. What a relief that was to hear. I will have rechecks now every 3 years unless something shows up again.
I was talking to my friend in CA. last night. I had shown her quilting and helped her get started when we were all RVing out in AZ.She told me everyday when see is sewing a quilt she thinks of me. How sweet. Actually, I realized that I think about the person who taught me most every time I sew also.
I post so little here that I thought since no one probably reads this anymore I could put some thoughts down to help me deal with "Pot Holes"
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