Friday, May 1, 2020

Wisconsin "Stay at Home"

We are entering month 2 of the "Stay at Home" in Wisconsin. We can still go out for essentials, go for walks and drives. The hardest part is not being with family. We can see them...from a distance. As we deliver items to each other, we stay a safe distance apart. I have taken masks I made to the kids and we do exchange things we cook or bake.
We did go out for a drive. We call it a "Field Trip". Through the country roads to pick up quilt items that we arranged a head of time. Then we drove more country roads into a town. Drove about the town. Stopped for some carry out food and headed back home down more country roads. It was a beautiful sunny day. It was good to get Mel out of the house. He doesn't leave the house much at all. Since his few mini strokes he has balance and walking problems. Walking any distance is difficult for him. He prefers to just stay home.
Mel's hormone injection has taken affect and he has HOT flashes. It is rather funny watching him experience these. We laugh together as he asks how I got though those. He is feeling fine but anxious about the radiation treatments. We will get through this together.
Stay well and healthy!

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