Wednesday, May 3, 2017

What happen! And quilting!

After a friend read my post she suggested I explain what happen to  Mel. About 5 years ago he had what we call a "mini" stroke. We were eating out when he tried to tell me something and his speech was  slurred to the point I could not understand him. Then after testing was done he also had a blocked carotid artery on his left  side. Surgery was scheduled. When we hear "mini" stroke we usually do not think much about it but, it is as dangerous as a full blown stroke.  It causes damage and changes to the brain. I noticed changes in him after the surgery. He had some personality changes and anxiety about things that never would have bothered him before. It got worse through the past couple years along with depression. We saw a neurologist that our doctor recommended. He said the brain goes through changes after a stroke. Most changes he sees are people either get overly joyous, tearful or depression and anxiety. Mel got the latter. Now that we found a drug that appears to be working for him, things are improving.  He is actually wanting to go places and see people.

I am still working on my quilting. I enjoy being able to sew and make quilts to share with my family and friends. I have been working on my Farmers Wife quilt. Slowly! Actually we have a group of 4 that are doing it. We divided the blocks up and we each make 4 of the blocks in the grouping we are in. One of the ladies found paper piecing patterns for them. She gave us all copies. I like to paper piece but I found these horrible to do. So I am doing it by using the templates. I also working on other quilts while doing this. Another friend, Kay and I are also doing a Judy Niemeyer wall hanging. She has a unique way of paper piecing and I know why it is suggested you take one of her courses to under her technique. Between the 2 of us we will figuring this out. LOL 
Here are a few pictures of some quilts I have made since my posts a few years ago.

 A table topper I made from fabrics I fell in love with. I just decided to make 9 patches and go from there.
 Using the Strip Smart ruler. A fun project.

My Daughter-in-law found this pattern. She picked out the fabrics. That's my handsome son John and his wife,  Sara, peaking around the other side.

More to come next time. Till then... Piece and Hugs


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